I am going to explain my experience of uploading a drupal site with WinSCP and PuTTY.
WinSCP (Windows Secure copy) is an open source FTP client for Microsoft Windows.
PuTTY is a free software SSH, Telnet client.
First of all I created webpages using "DRUPAL" in my computer with the use of "WAMP" server.
I created all the contents required. I managed the contents . Also i included "image gallery" and "file download" options in my webpages.
Then I had to upload the DRUPAL contents to my server.
I made a backup of my database and imported it naming "database.sql". Then I uploaded all my files to the server using WinSCP. I used PuTTY to connect to my databse. After connecting to the server using the username and password , it was prompted as "[robotics@koshi ~]$".
Then I connected to my database as "mysql -u userame -p ". I checked if there were existence databases as "show databases;". There were two databases. I droped one of the database as "drop database databasename;" as i had permission to use only those two databases.
Now I had to import the backup of my database i had created. I reached "[robotics@koshi ~]$" and typed "mysql -u username -p databasename < /path to the "file.mysql;". After some time, the database was imported. Then I opened my home page. Only blank page was seen. I searched over the internet and i couldn't find anything. Then I changed my drupal website from my computer , disabled "image gallery", exported the database and imported again through PuTTY. Now, I was able to see my homepage as i had made. Page I had created : " www.robotics.org.np "
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